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Hair-free and Carefree for Father’s Day

In the past, laser hair removal was exclusively marketed to women. Gradually, male athletes and bodybuilders saw the benefits of laser hair removal (no hair enhances muscle definition and reduces irritation in athletic wear). But with Father’s Day around the corner, we want to reiterate that laser hair removal is for ALL bodies… all men included!

That’s right- there’s no reason that only bodybuilders and athletes should live a hair-free and carefree life. You can too! If you think that you would live more comfortably and confidently if you had certain areas of hair removed, then you should trust your gut and contact us for a consultation ASAP.

Some guys may just want hair to be thinned out and easier to upkeep, while other guys will want to get as close to totally hair-free as possible. We will discuss your preference with you. We routinely do treatments such as underarms, abdomen, chest, inner ears, forearms, back, facial, and that little strip that causes a unibrow for our male clients. We also get a lot of requests for nose hairs, which we will take care of – but not too much. Remember that your nose hairs actually serve a purpose in protecting your body!

It is common to feel scared or nervous before getting laser hair removal. You may have once heard that the lasers were painful, but with modern technological advances, that is no longer the case. Many have a pleasant and pain-free experience with our lasers, depending on your personal level of pain tolerance.

Guys – call us ASAP for a consultation if you’ve been on the fence about laser hair removal. It will change your life!

Ladies… if you’re reading this and have had a positive experience with laser hair removal, let the men in your life know and encourage them to try it for themselves. You know they won’t regret it!

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