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Men and Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is NOT just for women. You may be surprised to learn that we actually have many male clients. Some of our male clients have a professional reason for wanting laser hair removal – we see a lot of pilots and those in the military, for example, that need a clean cut look. We also see many bodybuilders who don’t want any hair at all on their body! But in reality, a lot of men just hate shaving just as much as women do.

We routinely do treatments such as underarms, abdomen, chest, inner ears, forearms, back, facial, and that little strip that causes a unibrow for our male clients. We also get a lot of requests for nose hairs, which we will take care of – but not too much. Remember that your nose hairs actually serve a purpose in protecting your body.

It is common to feel scared or nervous before getting laser hair removal. You may have once heard that the lasers were painful, but with modern technological advances, that is no longer the case. Many have a pleasant and pain free experience with our lasers, depending on your level of pain tolerance.

So please, stop feeling embarrassed about wanting laser hair removal and go for what will make you feel GOOD – call for that consultation ASAP.  And guys, if you don’t want to do it for yourselves – do it for your girlfriend or your wife! Trust us, she will appreciate it.


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