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Laser is In this Season

It’s that time of year again – the temperature starts dropping, the Christmas decorations start going up in stores… and we start reminding you that this season is the best season to treat yourself to laser hair removal!

Laser hair removal treatments are so quick that you can be in and out and still have time to finish your holiday shopping! You’re already spending so much on others – don’t forget that YOU deserve a gift too!

Laser hair removal is actually a gift that keeps on giving because it will grant you more free time (no stressing over stubble in the morning when you wake up), save you money in the long run (think of how much money you waste on wax strips or razor blades), and it will help boost your self-confidence! Remember when you feel like you look good, you FEEL good too!

A reminder that to reach your desired hair-free goal, you will need multiple treatments. It’s better to plan out your treatments now in the winter so you can be completely beach-ready when bathing suit season hits. Plus, we advise that you limit sun exposure for two weeks prior to and after your treatment. We normally ask our sun-tanned patients to wait for the tan to fade before their treatment. This is way easier to do in the winter when the sun sets so early, you’ve covered up more skin due to the cold weather, and you’re less likely to spend the day at the beach!

Maybe you already are living a hair-free, carefree life but want someone else to experience that pure joy too. Why not give the gift of laser hair removal this holiday season to that special someone? Everyone deserves to feel their most confident! Contact us to schedule your own consultation or to discuss gifting treatment today! Give us a call at (386) 304-3411.

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