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Judgment Free Zone 

You may have heard around town that we here at Laser Center of Port Orange have a “non-judgmental practice.” Well, what does that mean exactly?

First and foremost, we truly are a judgment-free zone. We aren’t going to laugh at you when you tell us where you want to be hair-free, or if you have hair in what you think is an unusual place (news flash: we bet that your “unusual” place is actually more common than you think). We keep a strict confidentiality agreement with all of our clients. We don’t share your information with others and we won’t even throw out your name casually! If for any reason you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable about your laser hair removal treatments – fear not. Along with your safety, we value your comfort and privacy above all else.

We have noticed throughout the years that men tend to want more privacy than women. Women have been more likely to not only recommend our practice to others but to also chat about getting their bikini line done when checking out in the grocery aisle! Men, however, still for some reason tend to feel very stigmatized by wanting laser hair removal. While it is 2018 and stereotypes are loosening up, body hair is still seen as very “macho” and men tend to feel judged for wanting to get rid of it. Guys – please listen to us! Laser hair removal is for men too, and it is perfectly okay to want to remove all that unwanted hair. If you still don’t feel comfortable, we can accommodate an extra cushion of time to your appointment – making it so you’re the last one and you won’t see anyone in the waiting room or even a special Saturday appointment.

The same goes for our transgender clients. We have seen hundreds of transgender clients over our years and have always made sure these clients, whether already transitioned or still transitioning (usually male to female). We want to make sure you feel safe, comfortable, and free to obtain your ideal hair-free body! We have had clients who are just beginning to transition that have yet to tell anyone – your secret is safe with us! If you need the extra privacy of the last appointment or other special scheduling, please feel free to discuss it with us. We want everyone to feel carefree and hair-free!

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